It is an Eng family tradition and someone in the family always makes butterhorn cookies each year. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are fabulous bakers, too, so I look forward to these special treats every Christmas. Family traditions are really important to me. It strengthens the family’s bond, creates long lasting memories, and evokes happy memories of the past.
I usually help with the baking but I had major surgery earlier this month. It has been a tough recovery but I am slowly getting better each day with the support of my loving friends and family. My husband has been amazing, making sure I eat properly and stay positive. My mommy came and took care of me for a few days. Nothing beats mom’s cooking. My brother and sister-in-law drove in from Minnesota and multiple friends visited, including my best friend from Texas. Friends sent flowers, care packages, and food. Numerous people texted, called, emailed, etc. to check up on me. It is in the weakest moments you realize who genuinely care. I feel grateful. Thank you!
With the rough few weeks, I haven’t really been in the Christmas spirit. It is the first year the tree is not up, gifts are not wrapped, and our extensive decorations are still in the box. But, it’s OK. Christmas isn’t about the tree, gifts, and decorations. To me, it is about spending time and creating memories with the people you love and who love you.
Butterhorn cookies are one of my favorites so hubby made them to cheer me up. He even added some sprinkles for some holiday joy. We sang, danced, and hysterically laughed until our stomachs hurt. These cookies will forever have a special place in my heart.
Check out The Eng Family Holiday Butterhorn Cookie recipe!
- Place margarine, flour, sour cream, and egg yolk in a large bowl.
- Cut ingredients into flour and mix (use pastry blender or 2 knives).
- Shape into a ball.
- Divide into 4 balls.
- Wrap in plastic wrap. FAB TIP: Make sure you don't miss this step or the dough will dry out.
- Chill overnight.
- Chop or grind pecans to fine pieces.
- Mix sugar, cinnamon, and ground pecans together in a large bowl.
- Set aside.
- Roll ball of dough on floured board into a large circle like a pizza. FAB TIP: Make sure the surface is well-floured or it will stick.
- Sprinkle with ½ cup of sugar-nut mixture and spread throughout the dough.
- Cut into 12 sections (like pie pieces).
- Roll up each section beginning at the wide end.
- Place rolls on greased baking sheet.
- Bake about 18 minutes at 350 degrees F.
Put the butterhorn cookies in a mason jar for the perfect holiday gift!
Last year, The Eng Family Holiday Butterhorn Cookie recipe was featured in the December 2014 issue of Better Homes and Gardens. I had the honor of being part of my friend’s, Jocelyn Delk aka @grandbabycakes, Holiday Cookie Exchange feature in this issue, along with Kim Bellware (@bellwak), Alice Choi (@hipfoodiemom1), Micae Brown (@micaebrown), and Kit Graham (@thekittchen). You can check out all our cookie recipes here!
What are some of your family traditions? Please comment below.
Happy holidays! Wishing you and your families a safe and wonderful holiday season!
Live the Fab Food Life,
I cooked them 25 min Tom 20 min will be better